Purpose of this project is enhancing the competences of the groups of learners in addressing issues of global development outside of the formal education system.

DURATION: 3 years
CALL: Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development, RAISING PUBLIC AWARENESS OF DEVELOPMENT ISSUES AND PROMOTING DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION, Lot 5, “Global learning and advocacy projects”
APPLICANT: ALDA International

Why? (project background)
Purpose of this project is enhancing the competences of the groups of learners in addressing issues of global development outside of the formal education system.

Objectives, results, outcomes….
The present project aims at “supporting actions in the EU aiming at raising public awareness of development issues and promoting development education, to mobilize greater support for actions against poverty and for fairer relations between developed and developing countries and to change attitudes to the issues and difficulties developing countries and their peoples are facing”.

The main objectives of LADDER are the following:

    increased capacities of local authorities as drivers for development
    improved cooperation between LAs and CSOs at all levels (European, National and Local)
    improved information of EU citizens on development cooperation (promoting the EYD 2015 and onwards).
    enhanced methods and tools for promoting development education and awareness raising
    raised awareness of the interdependencies between the European Neighborhood and Europe