What’s happening? ❗️
The Council of Europe is dealing with a high-scale budget crises as a consequence of political crisis in the organization. Recently, a contingency plan was proposed by the Secretary General Thorbjorn Jagland on how to deal with it. His suggestion is to end the financing of the Organisation’s youth sector activities from the Ordinary Budget as of 1 January 2021.

You can find more information here:
Youth and youth organisations of Europe, you know best how important the CoE Youth Sector has been in advancing our causes - our rights, our freedoms and our Europe of peace and understanding. Cutting the funding of the youth sector activities would cause irreversible damage to structures and working not only within the organisation but also impede youth civil sector in many of our countries.

What can we do? 💡

MAKE SOME NOISE and make it where it counts. Reach out to your foreign ministries and permanent representations to the Council of Europe (also known as “ambassadors to the Council of Europe”).
👉 Where to find them? You can easily find who they are by simply googling them, generally their emails should be public.
👉 What to tell them? Make them aware of the urgency and graveness of the situation and ask them to raise this issue at the meetings and advocate for maintaining the youth sector.
👉 When to do it? NOW! The next meeting is on the 23 May - so the sooner you do it, the better!
We are in this together - let’s show our governments and the CoE that we are present, attentive and determined! #NoFutureWithoutYouth
— feeling disappointed.