"Don't disturb my circles"

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Author: Ivana Bankovic,
Young Researchers of Serbia

Biti deo najvećeg sportskog događaja na svetu.

Za nekoga ko je odrastao u konstantnoj nesigurnosti prouzrokovanoj nemogućnošću da se istakne u sportu, u sredini u kojoj se to pak, najviše ceni i ističe, ova mogućnost deluje kao neki san koji teži da zauvek ostane neostvaren.

Moje prvo volontersko iskustvo se upravo vezuje veliki sportski događaj održan u Srbiji, 2009. godine, koja je za mene bila prekretnica u svakom smislu. Bila sam na pragu univerziteta i prosto gladna sa spoznajom drugih kultura. Moj prvi pasoš je bio pečatiran tek na prve dve strane i nisam imala mogućnost da ga sa sobom povedem u nepoznato. Taj sportski događaj i moja uloga u ceremoniji dobrodošlica priređenih sportistima mi je zaista dala mogućnost da se prvi put susretnem sa različitostima i da dam, makar simboličan doprinos sportu.

Međutim, ni dalje nisam videla mogućnost da tim različitostima dam doprinos na stranom tlu i čak nisam imala ni ideju kako bi to bilo ostvarivo. Sve do dana kada je u moje ruke dospeo besplatan časopis koji je sadržao članak o međunarodnim volonterskim kampovima. Slobodno mogu reći da život postoji pre tog momenta i nakon tog momenta. U mnogim aspektima. Ne samo u mogućnošću da putujem, dam doprinos dalekim, neistraženim sredinama i živim u internacionalnoj grupi. Međunarodni volonterski kampovi su mi dali šansu da spoznam sebe. Postoji jedan upečatljiv momenat tokom mog trećeg međunarodnog volonterskog kampa. Bio je to moj treći po redu, umetnički kamp i treća godina studija ekonomije. Da, bez obzira što sam se spremala za jednu naizgled rigidnu profesiju, bila sam nivou zadatka tog kampa. Primala sam pohvale umetnika oko sebe, shvatila sam šta sve mogu uz trud, na tada najzapadnijoj tački Evrope. Međutim, nije to bilo ono što me je najviše opčinilo. Moje najveće iznenađenje i impresija bile su činjenice da sam bila potpuno prihvaćena u jednoj grupi potpuno različitih kultura i mentaliteta. Shvatila sam da već par godina u nazad, osluškujem prihvatanja zbog ono što jesam, ne odbijanja zbog onog što nisam. Bila sam u potpunoj neverici i verujte mi na reč, čak i danas, nakon svega se susretnem sa ovim osećajem neverice. Sredina u kojoj sam odrastala je nekako uvek stavljala u prvi plan ono što nisam. To je najbitnija lekcija koju steknete volontiranjem.

U momentu prijavljivanja za ulogu na Olimpijskim igrama u Rio de Žaneiru, nosila sam dobro utvrđenu prethodno spomenutu lekciju, sećanje na sva uspešna snalaženja na više meridijana, velika iskustva života u internacionalnoj sredini, svest da je moguće doprineti negde daleko, svest da se možete snaći negde daleko i da su granice ono što sami nametnemo. Pored toga, nosila sam iskustva u radu i konstantnoj interkulturalnoj komunikaciji, efikasnošću iste i vođenju jedne internacionalne grupe. Bio je to momenat kada sam već dobro poznavala sebe i već niz godina osluškivala potrebe i reakcije drugih.

Tokom prijavljivanja za jedan ovakav događaj, vi u vašoj glavi nosite taj simbol pet krugova, zajedništva, ogromnih reflektora, sveta koji se susreće na istom mestu, pisanja istorije, dizanja zastava, oborenih rekorda. Taj nalet energije vas vodi kroz testove koji vas vrlo brzo očekuju, a koji se pre svega odnose na realne situacije koje vas mogu zadesiti tokom Olimpijskih igara i način na koji biste odreagovali u istim. Tek nakon završenih testova jezika, konstantne komunikacije i online intervjua, susretnete se sa činjenicom da postajete deo prvih Olimpijskih igara, ikada održanih u Južnoj Americi.

Tek tada postajete svesni da vas očekuje zadatak na drugoj hemisferi, u jednoj ogromnoj zemlji koja deluje nedostižno, u gradu koji se ne može dičiti sigurnošću. Istovremeno se svakodnevno susrećete sa medijima koji ovaj grad ne štede, surovo ističući sve najlošije što vam se može tamo desiti. Nije li to prva lekcija kojom nas poduči volontiranje? Da se ne vodimo isključivo informacijama koje su nametnute, da pustimo da nas svet pozitivno iznenadi. Motivacija preovladava, a do poletanja aviona za Brazil, potrebno je izuzetno mnogo motivacije i kreativnosti. Svoju kreativnost sam pretočila kroz svoj prvi, lični projekat. Usledio je nepregledni niz neprospavanih noći, na hiljade ispisanih reči i stotine poslatih mailova. Verovala sam i znala da Rio zaslužuje bolje reči, da taj južnoamerički džin zvani Brazil takođe zaslužuje lepe reči. Međutim, bila mi je potrebna podrška, moralna i materijalna.  Danima sam istraživala ovu zemlju i težila da svoja otkrića podelim sa drugima. Uz veliku podršku drugih koju izuzetno cenim, organizovala sam niz događaja koji su doveli do toga da progovorimo prve reči na portugalskom, plešemo uz sambu i uživamo u svim čarima brazilske hrane, poezije i filma. Sve to u srcu Beograda, do momenta poletanja.

Kažu da se život ne meri uzdisajima, već momentima koji oduzimaju dah. Tako se može nazvati moje osećanje u momentu pristizanja u Rio. Koliko god se spremali, nemoguće je biti potpuno spreman na ono što nas očekuje na drugoj hemisferi. To je još jedna lekcija naučena volontiranjem, da ne moramo uvek biti savršeno spremni za sve što nas očekuje i da je često dovoljno videti tek par koraka unapred. Celokupan napor, izazovi i bojazan bivaju nagrađeni onog momenta kada uđete u olimpijsku arenu, prisustvujete i doprinosite pisanju istorije.  Ne samo pisanju istorije, već i pisanju svojih narednih izazova. Kruna vašeg zalaganja ističe se u poverenju koje primate u olimpijskom timu, među najvećim profesionalcima na svetu, najboljim fotografima, najistaknutijim sportistima. Gledajući one koji svakodnevno pobeđuju pre svega sebe, shvatite da su prepreke premostive, naučite još više o sebi i ideje same nastaju.

Brazil je biser južnoameričkog kontinenta. Ako posmatramo ono što je priroda pružila ovoj zemlji, shvatamo da ako raj postoji, on se mora nalaziti baš u Brazilu. Pa ipak, linija između raja i pakla je u Brazilu vrlo tanka. Prirodna obdarenost se praktično gubi u izazovima koje je društvo i istorija nanela ovoj zemlji. Očajnička borba za moć, materijalnost, a onda i goli život dovela je do eksploatacije prirodnih resursa, nebezbednosti i neefikasnog sistema obrazovanja. Velike akcije na globalnom nivou privlače pažnju na spašavanje šuma Amazonije, a pored toga, beskrajan je spektar malih promena koje mogu poboljšati život predivnih ljudi kakvi su Brazilci. Moj kratak boravak u ovoj zemlji je bio dovoljan da tek uradim nekoliko intervjua, oslušnem život koji se odvijao oko mene i zaljubim se ljude koji ga žive. Ideja imam mnogo i one se pre svega vezuju za međunarodne volonterske kampove koje živim već godinama, a koji su se u malom broju organizovali i u Brazilu. Pre dve godine je prestala sa radom organizacija koja je stajala iza ovih kampova i bila stacionirana u gradu Belo Horizonte. Rekla bih da je upravo taj grad moja naredna destinacija i polazna tačka u ovoj zemlji.

For someone who grew up in constant uncertainty caused by the inability to stand out in the sports, in the environment in which it is the most appreciated and emphasized, this possibility acts as a dream that tends to remain forever unfulfilled.

My first volunteer experience is related to the greatest sporting event held in Serbia in 2009, which was a milestone for me in every sense. I was at the threshold of the university and was simply hungry for the knowledge of other cultures. My first passport was stamped only on the first two pages and I had no opportunity to bring it with me to the unknown. This sporting event and my role in the welcoming ceremonies for the athletes really gave me the opportunity to meet diversity for the first time and give, at least a symbolic contribution to the sports.

However, I did not see the possibility of contributing to these differences on a foreign soil and I did not even have the idea of how this would be possible. It was until the day when I received a free magazine that included an article on international workcamps. I can freely say that life exists before that moment and after that moment. In many aspects, not only in the ability to travel but to contribute to distant, unexplored environments and live in an international group. International workcamps gave me a chance to get to know myself. There was one striking moment during my third workcamp. It was my third in a row, an art camp and the third year of studying economics. Yes, no matter that I was preparing for a seemingly rigid profession, I was the level of the task of this camp. I received the praises of the artists around me and I realized what could I do with the effort, at that moment and at the westernmost point of Europe. However, that wasn't the thing that impressed me the most. My greatest surprise and impression was the fact that I was completely accepted in one group of completely different cultures and backgrounds. I realized that for several years now I've been listening to acceptance for what I was, not rejection because of what I wasn't. I was in complete disbelief and even today after all, I meet with this feeling of disbelief. The environment in which I grew up would somehow always put my inabilities at the forefront. That is the most important lesson you get through volunteering.

At the moment of applying for the role at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, I carried a well-established, previously mentioned lesson, memories of all successful discoveries on several meridians, great experiences of living in the international environment, awareness that it is possible to contribute somewhere far away, awareness that you can manage far away and that the boundaries are what we impose upon ourselves. In addition, I had experience in work and constant intercultural communication, the efficiency of the same and the experience of leading international group. It was a moment when I already knew myself well and for many years I had listened to the needs and reactions of others.

When applying for such an event, you carry this symbol of five circles in your head, community, huge lights, a world that meets in the same place, history writing, flags, beaten records. This energy surge guides you through tests that you are expecting very soon, which primarily relate to real situations that can affect you during the Olympic Games and how you would react to it. Only after completing language tests, constant communication and online interviewing, you come across the fact that you are becoming part of the first Olympic Games ever held in South America.

Only then you become aware of expecting the task on the other hemisphere, in a vast, unstable country, in a city that can’t boast of security. At the same time, you meet daily with the media that do not save this city, cruelly pointing out the worst that can happen to you there. Isn't that the first lesson that volunteering teaches us? Not to be guided solely by the information imposed and let the world positively surprise us. Motivation prevails, and until the plane takes off to Brazil, it takes a lot of motivation and creativity. I carried my creativity through my first, personal project. That was followed by a vast number of sleepless nights, thousands of written words and hundreds of emails sent. I believed and knew that Rio deserves better words, that this South American giant called Brazil also deserves nice words. However, I needed support, both moral and material. For days I've been exploring this country and trying to share my discoveries with others. With the great support of others, that I highly appreciate, I have organized a series of events that have led to talking the first words in Portuguese, dancing with the samba and enjoying all the charm of Brazilian food, poetry, and film. All of this in the heart of Belgrade, until the moment of leaving.

They say that life is not measured by sighs, but by breathtaking moments. My moments of arriving in Rio can be called that way.  No matter how much you prepare yourself,   it is impossible to be fully prepared for what expects you on the other hemisphere. This is another lesson taught by volunteering, that we do not always have to be perfectly ready for everything that awaits for us and that seeing few steps in advance is usually enough. The whole effort, challenges, and fears are rewarded when you enter the Olympic arena, attend and contribute to the history. Not only writing history but also writing your next challenges. The crown of your efforts stands out in the confidence you receive in the Olympic team, among the world's top professionals, the best photographers, the most prominent athletes. Looking at those who win on a daily basis, you realize that the barriers are bridging. You learn more about yourself and the ideas arise.

Brazil is a pearl of the South American continent. If we observe what nature has given to this country, we realize that if paradise exists, it must be located in Brazil. Nevertheless, the line between heaven and hell is very thin in Brazil. The natural endowment is literally lost in the challenges that society and history have inflicted on this country. The desperate struggle for power, materiality, and bare life has led to the exploitation of natural resources, insecurity, and an inefficient education system. Large-scale campaigns at the global level bring attention to the rescue of Amazonian forests, and besides, the endless range of small changes that can improve the life of wonderful people like Brazilians. My short stay in this country was enough to just do a few interviews, listen to the life that was going on around me and falling in love with people who live it. I have many ideas and they are primarily related to workcamps that I have been living for years and which used to be organized in small numbers in Brazil. Two years ago, the organization behind the workcamps and stationed in Belo Horizonte got shut down. I would say that this city is my next destination and a starting point in this country.

Ivana Bankovic